Tuesday, September 5th, 2018 - Trail of Tears and Catching UP

To do: 

In your composition books -

This country was formed on the premise “that all men are created equal.” 
1. Explain what the phrase means to you.
2. Explain if the USA meets the premise.


  • To Do
  • Periods MUST catch up!
  • Caught up?
    • Finish Achieve3000 packets
    • Being Trail of Tears Lesson
  • Trail of Tears PPT
    • with Note Taker
  • Two Points of Views 

Direct Instruction:
  • Complete Note Taker on Trail of Tears PPT
  • Two Stories (Native American and Soldier POV)

Independent Work:
  • Catch Up and submit any missing work
  • Explain the impact the Trail of Tears had on American Literature 
Exit Ticket: CLICK HERE


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